
Blueprints For Building A Shed – 12×12 Shed Blueprints

Here are the blueprints for building a shed. These are the shed blueprints for a 12×12 shed.

Shed Blueprints 12×12

blueprints for building a shed

shed blueprints 12x12

Blueprints for a shed – Common Construction Terms Used

Shed Section: Foundation and Floor

Floor Joists – Wooden Boards used for building the shed floor frame.

Rim Joists – Boards used for building the outer frame of the floor frame.

Skids: Cubical pieces of timber used to support the floor joists.

Metal Clip Angle: Metal strips used to secure the joists to the skids at perfect right angle.

Tongue & Groove sheathing – Plywood sheets which contain a small protruding extension called a tongue along one edge and a matching cut called a groove on the opposite edge for fitting with the adjacent sheet.

Shed Section: Wall Framing

Stud: Timber boards which are secured vertically to the wall frame at regular intervals are called studs. They provide additional support to the wall and are used for nailing the wall sheathing.

Plate: Wooden Boards which are fastened horizontally on the shed base or over the top section of walls are called plates. The rafters, joists and studs are usually fixed on top of these plates.

Shed Section: Doors and Windows

Header – A large timber board fixed on the top of the opening for the window or door is called a header. It provides extra support to the opening in the wall frame which holds the door or window.

Shed Section: Roof

Rafters: These are large boards used for building the roof frame of the shed.

Ridge Board – This is the board which lies along the top edge of the roof at the A shaped joint. It is used for securing the top end of the rafters to the roof frame.

Pitch of the Roof – The height by which a roof rises for every foot in length.

Gable Stud – These studs have their top end cut in a slope matching the roof pitch and hence they are called gable studs. They are used for supporting the rafters.

Fascia Board – It is a trim timber board which fits below the edge of the roof sheathing and runs beneath the soffit and sub fascia of the overhang of the roof.

Sub Fascia – It is a wide board secured to the end of the rafters for sealing the openings.

Soffit – The section which covers the underside of overhang of the rafter usually made of a permeable material to facilitate ventilation.

An accurately designed outdoor shed can improve the beauty of your yard and provide extra storage space. It is not difficult to build a shed if you plan it out properly and prepare in advance.

    There are numerous shed designs and blueprints available for you to select from. It is essential to pick a design which will aesthetically blend into the landscape and also serve your purpose for building the shed. You need to keep the purpose of the shed and the location of the shed in mind while selecting the shed blueprint. A potting shed will need to be built differently from a storage shed or a workshop. So make sure that blueprints for a shed you choose are suited for your specific needs.

    It is also necessary to pay attention to the frost line and water line in your area while building the shed foundation to ensure that the shed base will be secure and waterproof. Also decide whether you will need artificial heating and lighting inside the shed so that you can make allowance for electrical fittings right from the start of the shed construction.

    The blueprints for building a shed must be covered in any free shed blueprints.

    Build the Shed Foundation

    The land on which the shed foundation will be built must be solid and level. Clear out the construction site keeping about 3 feet of extra space around the shed and make sure that the doors can be accessed easily. Dig out the dirt for at least 6 inches and fill it with gravel and concrete. Leave the concrete to dry for a day. If the shed is going to be larger, build a foundation of at least 12 inches depth. Make sure that you do not hit any underground pipelines or electrical lines while digging.

    Building the Floor Frame

    Usually sheds are built in standard sizes like 10×8 or 10×12 with double doors on opposite walls. To start building the floor frame use studs made out of 2×4 posts cut out to required length of the shed needed. Start with 5 studs laid down in the direction of the longest side of the shed. Then lay down few studs on top of them along the direction of the shorter side of the shed. The studs must be made of pressure treated wood for extra strength.

    Mark out the outer frame and secure the studs along the shorter side with the outer frame using nails. Measure the diagonals to ensure that the frame is accurately square. Fasten the studs along the longer side of the shed to those along the shorter side by nailing them together. Secure the floor joists to the studs with nails to complete the shed floor. Cut out any extra pieces of timber jutting out of the frame with a router.

      Construct the Shed Walls

      The wall frame is built using 2×6 studs. Build the wall frame on the floor. Measure and cut out the studs of length matching the size of the shed base. The lay down the top and bottom studs and then place the intermediate studs at intervals of 18 inches. Next, fasten the vertical studs with the horizontal studs using galvanized nails. Measure the diagonals to verify that the frames properly square. Hoist the wall frame into place and ensure that is level and square with the shed foundation. Secure the walls to each other with nails.

      Construct the Door and Window Frame

      Refer to your shed blueprints and cut out the opening for the window and door frames using a router. Leave an extra half inch of space in the window frame for fitting the windows. Ensure that the door frame has enough space for fitting the hinges. Keep enough space so that the door can be easily opened and closed.

      Make the Shed Roof

      It is advisable to buy pre-cut trusses but if you are an experienced hand you can build them yourself. Measure the spacing between the trusses and hoist them into place over the wall plates. Secure the truss in place by nailing a stud to it. Once the trusses are all fastened into place, you can add the roofing sheets and secure them to the roof frame. Cover the roof with shingles.

      Completing the Shed

      Cover your shed with a coat of water proof paint and add other accessories like shelves and electrical fittings as needed within the shed.

      How To Build Your Shed Quickly, Easily & Affordably With These Professional Shed Plans & Blueprints